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Solomon Kava

Solomon Kava

Regular price $37.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.50 USD
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Solomon Serenity: Embark on a tranquil voyage with Solomon kava cultivars, where lighter headiness meets lengthier uplifting effects. With this 6 year root you’re getting the good stuff at the most affordable price possible! Why? Bc we’re not greedy! We want to make quality kava available to the community. 

Revel in the smooth, slow onset of deep relaxation. This cultivar is more heavy on the palate, offering a powerful all-encompassing sense of well-being. Immerse yourself in the potency and sophistication of Solomon kava. 

  • All kava orders come with a mesh strainer bag and easy recipe on the label for your convenience

    Unwind with Nature – Your Journey Begins With Witches Kava...

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. This product is not approved by the FDA or labeled for ingestion. Misuse of this product may result in severe adverse effects. Always consult with your doctor for advice when using dietary supplements or adding new items to your diet. By purchasing, buyer agrees that they are 18 years or older and are sufficiently educated to use this product in a safe and responsible manner. Buyer agrees to release from liability and hold Witches Kitchen, forever harmless in the event of personal injury or harm to self or others, health consequences, accidents, or any other negative consequences resulting from the purchase or ingestion of this product.